
Laura Cassin


BB(Hons) in Business


LGBTQ+ community, Ireland, Consumer research, gendered items


Studying consumer behavior is key to understanding what influences consumers’ buying decisions, as a result this understanding can help producers to decide on a product they can fill in the gap in the market and identify the products that are needed and the products that are obsolete. As a result the purpose of this research is to critically analyze the internal factors that affect the consumer buyer behavior of gendered fashion items within the LGBTQ+ community in Ireland. The focus of this research is the analysis of internal factors: motivation and perception. The results indicate that the individual's consumer buyer behavior is impacted by biogenic needs, firstly by the need for clothing and secondly the need for shelter. Also is impacted by psychogenic needs, to fulfill their sense of achievement and to fulfill their sense of empowerment. Lastly, the individual's perception that affects their consumer buyer behavior, is impacted by subjectivity, categorization and the individual’s expectations.

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Resource Type

bachelor thesis


BB Hons L8: Applied Business Research Project

Included in

Business Commons
