BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
This report focuses on our perceived lack of applications that can assist students in finding suitable environments in which they can study together. Our research has shown that while there are applications that are dedicated to helping students to study, none that we have found help students connect with one another, for the sole purpose of studying.
With our application, we intend to create a platform that will enable students to connect with each other, on both a website and a mobile application. We hope to give students the ability to create and join study sessions, as well as provide them with the opportunity to chat with people outside of classrooms in a distraction-free environment. This will help students to focus in addition to creating a larger network of people to interact with within their chosen course and when they enter the professional workspace. Our aims are supported by research that shows that organised group work facilitates and aids student learning
Date of Award
Fall 2020
Full Publication Date
December 2020
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Zeballos, A., De Campos Fiorelo, S., & Harris, J.
(2020) Student MeetUp: An AJS Project CCT College Dublin.
BSc in IT Y3