Amilcar Ponte
BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
This document presents the draft of the introductory chapter as well as the research and planning aspects of developing a text hosting service application based on block chain technology named‘Chain UP. This report represents part I of the continuous assessment of the year-module named Applied Technology Group Project for the 3rd year of the Information Technology course at CCT College Dublin. This chapter contains an introduction to Blockchain’s concepts and an overview of its benefits and the latest industry applications of this technology, specifically the financial services industry and the data security industry. In the next chapters, we will discuss how those concepts influenced our definition of the scope of the project and go into further detail on the proof of concept in Blockchain through developing a text hosting application. A description of the provisional architecture diagram is also included. The schedule of tasks for the project can be found in the section named ‘Schedule’ in appendix B. Each team member contributed a report assessing their work and impact of duties on the deliverables up to this point. These can be found under the section named Appendix A – Individual Contribution Report.
Date of Award
Fall 2020
Full Publication Date
December 2020
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Suarez, M. B., & Kim, H.
(2020) [CHAIN UP GROUP] Applied Technology Group Project CCT College Dublin.
BSc in IT Y3