Greg South
BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
In the market, there are not many options or tools for people that once could speak. However, due to an accident or stroke, not only lost their voices and even some of their movements, but also sign language is not an option either. The issue is that whichever communication alternative that is available is either too expensive to use or too complicated for their actual situation such as google voice, notepads, general writing tools, etc. as each of them requires a little bit of work to manage.
Therefore we intended to ease speech-impaired people’s lives by designing and developing an application that speaks for them by only one touch. It is a user friendly application, with different interfaces divided according to its category such as Emergency, Fun, Greetings, Feelings and Daily Chat. Each interface displays its own set of buttons with different sentences, and each button plays out its corresponding sentence as soon as it is tapped. The sentences were recorded by us, applying different intonations so, it would give the application a better humanized form. We hope to make their lives easier, and give them back the possibility of expressing themselves in an easier way and keep up a steady conversation.
Date of Award
Spring 6-2019
Full Publication Date
April 2020
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Crispim, C., Siquiera de Medeiros, J., Haddad Oliveira, J. P., Soares, K., & Nunes dos Santos, M. F.
(2019) Chatterbox CCT College Dublin.
IT Y3 Applied Technology Project