
Greg South


BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT


Computer Science


Computer Science


This report presents the development of an online review web application for the International English Language Market. While in Ireland this industry contributes hugely to the Irish economy, the few regulations on the sector caused a wave of closures from 2014 to 2016. Several specific aspects of this industry that have contributed to this situation, such as the fact that most hiring student are of non-EEA origin (which includes specific Immigration arrangements for this group) justifies the relevance of an online review tool. This project discusses alternatives for establishing trust in the sector through validation, while presents concerning topics surrounding the project theme as well such as the General Data Protection Regulation. Technical development aspects of the application are covered including the relevance of tools and technologies used as well as decisions in the business logic of the system and further refinement of the problem addressed through the use of interviews.

Date of Award

Summer 6-2019

Full Publication Date

April 2020

Access Rights

open access

Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Resource Type

bachelor thesis


IT Y3 Applied Technology Group Project
