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journal article


CCT College Dublin is a private higher education institution based in Dublin’s city centre. Since its foundation in 2005, the College has incorporated a strong commitment to library services in successive strategic plans to support a dynamic teaching and learning experience and the highest standards of scholarship and academic integrity institution wide. Library services are delivered in partnership with a range of departments across the College and are integrated into all stages of the student journey. The College Librarian is an associate of the CCT Centre for Teaching and Learning and a member of CCT’s Quality Enhancement and Academic Integrity Committees. Key catalysts of library development have been new programme development, the professionalisation of library staff, digital transformation, student partnership and sectoral engagement with the Library Association of Ireland and the International Federation of Library Associations. More recently the publication of an institutional research strategy has seen the development of research support platforms and services including the launch of an institutional repository using Digital Commons software. CCT College is active in a range of national and international library publishing groups. In 2022, CCT hosted a satellite event for the World Library Congress and spoke in the session organised by IFLA’s Library Publishing Special Interest Group. Page

Original Source

An Leabharlann

Document Type


Included in

Education Commons
