
Graham Glanville


BB(Hons) in Business


Project Management, Stage-Gate Methodology, Pharmaceutical, Heavy Regulation, Risk Management


Projects of all types bring with them their own set of challenges and risks. Those within the pharmaceutical industry are subject to heavy regulation, high risk of failure, and the requirement of having very specialised knowledge. High-pressure projects like this also puts much stress on the individual team members working to ensure the project’s success. In order to delve into what it takes to maintain equilibrium between project success in a timely and cost effective manner, and the well-being of the project teams themselves, this research takes a look at what are the common issues with these types of projects. Issues such as unrealistic timelines and budgets, unclear requirements, and inadequate resources, will be explored to determine what affect they have on the workers, and how might these issues be addressed in a structured and repeatable way, regardless of project type.

Date of Award


Full Publication Date

July 2021

Access Rights

open access

Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Resource Type

bachelor thesis


Applied Business Research Project

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
