Muhammad Iqbal
BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
In this project, we will report an innovative application, for the healthcare sector usage, which basically is a health tracking and disease prevention application. The application will enable users to log their daily meals, exercise routines, and lifestyle habits, providing a comprehensive overview of the user's health status. By making use of Machine Learning and data analytics, our solution offers a personalised and automated insight and predictive analytics, which empowers users to proactively manage their well-being.
Through a detailed data analysis, users will gain valuable insights of potential diseases development and risk. This report will explore the development process, implementation of machine learning models, data visualisation techniques, and the transformative impact of our application over health management.
Date of Award
Spring 5-2024
Full Publication Date
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Cavalcanti Albuquerque Brayner, L., & Pacheco, E.
(2024) Using Predictive Analytics to identify risk of Heart Disease based on lifestyle factors and health metrics. CCT College Dublin.