Amilcar Aponte
BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
This project aims at designing a robot prototype made from Lego, which contains a Raspberry Pi device, that will be remotely controlled through a web application to allow the robot to perform certain movements which would be sent from the client’s interaction. The process began by researching several different technologies that we used as our starting point for designing both prototypes (hardware and software). Concurrently, we focused investigation on the IoT and were inspired to make a robot prototype that would implement the basic concepts and, at the same time, merge it with the previously learnt knowledge acquired during our 3 year course in Information Technology.
Date of Award
Summer 6-15-2019
Full Publication Date
May 2020
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Lopez, J., Michel, E., Loiaza, J., Aguilera, N., & Salgado, V.
(2019) RaspBot - Raspberry Pi-powered Robot controlled by a WebApp CCT College Dublin.
IT Y3 Applied Technology Project