Muhammad Iqbal
BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
Face recognition technology using machine learning and neural networks has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, revolutionizing various fields such as security, law enforcement, and marketing. The development of an AI-based system that can perform face recognition using these technologies has become a significant focus for researchers and developers worldwide. This project aims to create such a system that can recognize and classify faces accurately using machine learning algorithms and neural networks. By leveraging these advanced technologies, the system can learn and improve over time, leading to higher accuracy rates and enhanced performance.
Date of Award
Winter 2023
Full Publication Date
September 2023
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Hawile Pinheiro, G., & Alves de Moura, A.
(2023) Facial Recognition using Neural Network CCT College Dublin.