
Dr. John Snel


BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT


Computer Science


Most of the reasons for implementing the EHMS (Electronic Health Management System) focus on improving medical care as a whole for Patient, Physicians and Doctors. However, achieving an excellent quality of best medical care through EMR (Electronic Medical Record) is neither low-cost nor easy. Based on our qualitative study on physician practices we have found that quality improvement depends heavily on doctors’ use of the EMRs, not use of papers for their daily tasks. I also identified Key barriers to physicians’ use of EMRs and also observed that EMR software becomes useless for doctors due to its complex interface. E-Health Management System for Outdoor patient is the complete comprehensive solution for hospitals and clinics. This solution caters the full life cycle of modern hospitals and clinics, using this system patients can take appointment form their homes and confirm the availability of particular doctors. A consultant can access the medical record of their patient, and prescribe to their patient using this system. In this FYP document, I have briefly described all the phase that it has gone through from its inception to the implementation. I have highlighted the key features of E-Health Management System for OPD (Outdoor Patients).

Date of Award

Summer 6-15-2019

Document Type

Capstone Project

Resource Type

bachelor thesis


BSc in IT Y4 Final Year Project
