Mark Morrissey
BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
In recent years there has been growing concern about the negative impact humankind has on the planet. Companies and individuals are making efforts to mitigate their environmental impact. In this context and as individuals that care about the environment and try to lead a more sustainable life, we decided to research which elements could be stopping individuals from trying to implement changes in their daily habits.
One of the key conclusions of this research was that there is too much information, sometimes even conflicting, on how to lead a sustainable life.
#Greener aims to make a contribution by giving clear tips to reduce the negative impact on the environment on an individual basis, by stimulating practices that are accessible and safe for everyone to do in a fun manner.
In order to do this we developed a mobile application and a website that proposes challenges to be completed, and encourages you to submit evidence as pictures to the platform and to social media, so as to motivate others to also lead a more sustainable life.
Date of Award
Fall 2020
Full Publication Date
December 2020
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Ospitaletche, A., Roseno, L., Gonzalez, J. M., & Brelaz, A.
(2020) #Greener by GreenTech CCT College Dublin.
BSc in IT Y3