BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
Loyalty systems are commonly used to build and improve relationships between business and customers. Throughout history they evolved and became almost essential for small businesses such as coffee shops or small local stores. In this paper we will analyze existing loyalty systems that are presented in the world and Irish market, how they are used in the coffee shop industry and how new technologies can change and shape this industry. We examined multiple coffee shops brands present in Ireland and their rewards systems. We compared their loyalty systems using alternative methodologies and theoretical lenses in order to find new ways to approach the subject of customer retention and loyalty. Our main goal was to make a brand new system which will offer a turnkey solution for the industry. Another goal was to simplify interaction with loyalty systems in such a way that customers will participate in it without even noticing any discomfort. This process can be achieved by using Near Field Communication chips that can be found in any smart-devices such as phones and watches, or bank cards that have the contactless payment option. We also considered ethical and data storing risks that the new system might bring. The product that was built during this research project represents only a Minimal Viable Candidate, and still needs to pass a long way before it can be implemented in the real market. On the other hand we hope it can start a movement in the right direction and impact the industry in the near future.
Date of Award
Fall 2020
Full Publication Date
December 2020
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Duarte, C., Mantovani, F., Kiseleva, O., & Boreyko, T.
(2020) Applied Technology Group Project Documentation for NLS-Project CCT College Dublin.
BSc in IT Y3