BSc (Hons) in Computing in IT
Computer Science
Computer Science
Finding the ideal match for dog breeding has never been an easy task for most dog owners in different parts of the world, including Ireland. Seeking an opportunity to minimise this problem, a lovely user-friendly web application called Plenty Of Dogs (POD) was developed to facilitate dog owners to found a perfect match for their dogs, according to their search criteria. Besides that, dog owners will also be able to find new friends to their doggies. Initially, only the Republic of Ireland will be benefited from POD services.
To achieve this goal, this project was divided into five distinct phases: Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Testing. Respectively, all these different stages were accomplished respecting the main premises of the software development life cycle. Planning versus reality played an important role throughout the whole project. Results, technical solutions, and challenges are discussed comparing what worked well to what did not work as expected.
All architecture designed to develop POD is also presented, emphasising the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap on the client-side, PHP on the server-side, MySQL database, and AWS to the deployment of the application on the cloud platform. Then, a general overview of the whole development is made presenting the final version of the prototype and all documents produced along with the project. A suggestion for further works is given and necessary improvements are highlighted.
Date of Award
Fall 2020
Full Publication Date
December 2020
Access Rights
open access
Document Type
Undergraduate Project
Resource Type
bachelor thesis
Recommended Citation
Moreira, A., Santana, C., Marques, J., Cardoso, K., & Fernandes, L.
(2020) POD: Plenty Of Dogs CCT College Dublin.
BSc in IT Y3